Today marks a milestone in the history of Madrigal Heroes. We're finally introducing Patch 1.1.0 and starting with this patch we will be adding more content, more of our custom systems and even more which we can't wait to show you!
We'll also finally add PvP back to the game, you can read more about it in the notes!
Added a new PvP Skill Tree with adjusted skills that only work in PvP maps
The new PvP Skill Tree can be found below the usual PvE one.
PvE skills can't be used inside PvP maps, even if the skill is displayed in both Skill Trees.
This change has been made to allow more adjustments for PvP maps without impacting PvE at all, and allowing us to even add new mechanics which would either not work in PvE or maybe even ruin the PvE experience while still being needed for PvP. (Same goes for PvE Skills)
The PvP Skills have a lot of new effects, and some of them might work differently then their PvE counterpart.
FFA will be equalized, meaning that you can pick a class of your choice on entry and don't need to worry about your gear!
Siege will be temporary equalized too, we will change it back to use your own gear after some time.
Skill Crits (Both Physical and Magical) in player versus player combat now deal a fixed value instead of a random value (Only PvP, not PvE)
Buffs are getting now Removed when leaving & joining the PVP Arena
Increased Speed Limit to 200
Protection: DEF +150 & ATK -150 → DEF +300 & ATK -300
Empower Weapon: ATK +150 & DEF -150 → ATK +300 & DEF -300
Armor Penetrate: DEF -10% → Damage Taken +5%
Hawk Attack: (NEW) Hit Rate -20% (75% → 100% chance)
Spirit Bomb: Required level decreased to 60
Pain Dealer: Melee & Ranged Block Rate -10% → -20% (60% → 75% chance)
Darkness Rake: 140-141 → 340-341 Damage
Holy Armor: DEF +25% → Damage Taken -25%
Cooldown Reduction Updates
The following skills now benefit from Cooldown Reduction:
Berserk: Up to 66%
Blinkpool: Up to 100% (Base Cooldown reduced to 10s)
Demonology: Up to 50%
Psychic Bomb: Up to 50%
Psychic Wall: Up to 50%
Meteor Shower: Up to 50%
Lightningstorm: Up to 50%
Sandstorm: Up to 50%
Avalanche: Up to 50%
Final Spear: Up to 50%
Cosmic Element: Fusion: Up to 47.66%
Holy Armor: Up to 40% (Base Cooldown reduced to 50s)
Additional Changes
Scope Strike: Now scales with Stamina instead of Strength
Scope Strike: Increased range 4 → 8
Angry Increase:
Renamed to Angry Call
Now a ranged AoE skill (Range: 4)
Heal Rain: Increased range 8 → 12
Merkaba Hanzelrusha: Increased Int Scaling 170 → 250
Fixed Gvur Tiala
Seraph Buffs are now single target skills that can be used outside of parties
Forcemaster Buffs are now single target skills that can be used outside of parties
All Master Self-Buffs now scale with Base Stats and optional Crit Damage
New Guild Buff System
Guild Buffs can now be leveled up with items to become stronger.
More levels and buffs will be added in future.
New Smelting Scrolls
Increase your luck with our new Smelting Scrolls! Each scroll either adds a specific chance (0.5% + 5% = 5.5%) or multiplies the items chance with the new value (1.0% + 5% = 1.05%)
These scrolls will be available in multiple places ingame!
You can only use them inside the Safe Upgrade System, with each upgrade requiring it own type of scroll (look at the name of the scroll to see the Type of Upgrade, the level of the item it works at and how much percentage it has)
Removed Skill-Level display from tooltips (ex. Heal - Lvl 1
Removed Skill-Level requirements from tooltips (ex. Bgvur Tilabold Skill level 3 is required.
Added a (PvE)
and (PvP)
text next to the skill name inside tooltips
Added a PVP text on top of skills inside the taskbar to easily see if it's a PvP skill or not
Fixed an issue where teleporting (V) while vending / shop would crash the client.
Fixed an issue where VIP Buff (Elite Membership) could be used while player is dead.
Fixed jewel render on ultimate weapons. It shows all effects correctly now.
Fixed record book display in black theme.
Fixed an issue while using the "ESC" button could lead to close elite taskbar.
Fixed inventory sorting while vending.
Fixed an render issue in the world boss window.
Updated some small render issue when using record book, it now should correctly display everything without any problems.
Updated account security in terms of password storage.
Slightly increased droprate of Oricalkum from Monsters higher than 130
Slightly increased droprate of Moonstone from Monsters higher than 130
Increased droprate of Madrigal Present Box by ~10x
Adjusted droprate of Apprentice Treasure and Apprentice Key from x0.5 up to x10 depending on the monsters level
Added Apprentice Treasure and Apprentice Key with a higher chance to Traseia Giants (x100 to prior droprate)
Fixed an issue with Block Penetration
Fixed a handful of game Windows including the Shoutbox
Fixed a Icon renderproblem when hovering over an Item in the Inventory
Fixed "Scroll of Holy" removing "Bull Hamstern" Buff
Healing Diamond now adds up to 75% bonus instead of 50%
Added reset for MFA (Multi Factor Authentication)
Added Dark/Light Mode Switcher in the Footer Region
Backend changes on Stripe Donation workflow
Increased general Website Speed
Changed Game Password Algo